01. Comenzando a desarrollar con Android

If you are interested in developing applications for Android, then the first thing you’ll need to know is what tools will be required to create your applications and publish them on the Android Market. Below is a quick list with links to getting you started. Best of all, they are all free…

  • Android SDK

You’ll need to start by downloading the Android SDK (Software Development Kit):

Download the Android SDK

  • Eclipse IDE

The Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the preferred environment as the tools needed to create, build, test, and deploy are easily invoked from within the IDE. The Eclipse Classic version is the recommended IDE (Eclipse IDE for Java Developers):

Eclipse Downloads

  • ADT Plugin for Eclipse

The ADT plugin extends the capabilities of Eclipse. It provides an integrated environment from which to build Android application:

Installing the Android ADT plugin for Eclipse

  • SQLite Database Browser

If your application requires a data storage mechanism, Android includes support for SQLite. If you need to create, edit, or view the contents of the database, the SQLite database browser is for you:

Download SQLite Data Browser from SourceForge.net

  • Graphics Editor

For graphics development such as icons, buttons, backgrounds, etc., try Inkscape, a free vector graphics editor.

Download InkscapeOfficial Release Packages

A good place to start: Inkscape Tutorial -Shiny Button

  • Version Control System (VCS)

As you develop your application, you will no doubt need to keep track of the changes that you make in the code. One VCS to consider is EGit, an Eclipse Team provider for the Git version control system. EGit is installed through the Eclipse IDE, see the following links for details:

Install the Latest Version of EGit